Saturday, February 10, 2024

Chapter 9 Era Of One Party Dominance

 Q.No.1:- If Bhartiya Jana Sang or the communist party of India had

formed the government after the first general election, in which

respects would the policies of the government have been different?

Specify three differences each for both the parties?


What were the differences between congress and Bhartiya Jana sang? 

What do you know about communist party of India?

Ans: - The first general election was held in 1952. The Bhartiya Jana

Sang was formed in 1951 with Shiyama Prasad Mukherjee as its founder-

president. Its lineage however can be traced back to the Rashtriya

Swayamsevak Sangh {RSS} and the Hindu Mahasabha before


The Communist party of India:- In the early 1920s communist groups

emerged in different parts of India taking inspiration from the Bolshevik

revolution in Russia (1917) and advocating socialism as the solution to

problems affecting the country. A.K Gopalan, S.A. Dange, E.M.S.

Namboodiripad was among the notable leaders of the CPI.

If the Bhartiya Jana Sang or the communist party of India had formed

the government at the Centre, the policies of the government would be

different as follows:-

1. Bhartiya Jana Sang was against the English & this party would

have replaced English with Hindi as the official language of India.

But communist party of India would have preferred English as the

official language of India because; communist party was popular in

West-Bengal, Kerala and Andhra-Pradesh.

2. The Jan Sang party was not in favor of giving any concessions to

religious and cultural minorities. But communist party was in favor

of socialism.

3. The Jan Sang was in favor of developing nuclear weapons

because for the security of the country nuclear weapons were

essential. But the communist party of India was not for nuclear

weapons and atomic tests.

Q.No.2:- In what sense was the congress an ideological coalition?

Mention the various ideological currents present within the congress?

Ans: - ideologically, the congress took root and cause to political power not

as a party but as a movement for independence and reform. The congress

party was established in 1885 by higher middle class from English

speaking persons. But with both Non-cooperation Movement and civil

disobedience movement the social base of the congress party widened.

Peasants and landlords, industrialists and workers, urban elite and villagers

, capitalists and poor persons etc. all were within the congress. Congress

party was in fact, an ideological coalition. Rajni Kothari has pointed out that

“the Congress represents all shades of opinion, all major interest groups in

the society and indeed all other parties as well”. The congress represented

Indians diversity in terms of classes and castes, religions and languages

and various interests. Maximum opposition political parties are the

dissenting elites of the congress party, who shared two common social and

intellectual backgrounds as of the congressman.

Q.No.3:- Did the prevalence of a one party dominant system affect

adversely the democratic nature of Indian politics?

Ans: - In India Multi-party system exists, several political parties participate

in elections in India. But Indian National Congress dominated at the Centre

as well as the states before 1967. The prevalence of one party dominant

system has affected adversely the democratic nature of Indian politics. In

fact, dominance of single party is opposed to democracy as other political

parties cannot flourish. Due to the lack of organized opposition, the

congress party never fulfilled the promises made to the people. Congress

remained in power for a long period and hence no other party got a chance

to rule. Its administration too has become virtually proficient leading

widespread corruptions. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru himself accepted the fact

that “the Congress developed into Monolithic organizations making it

virtually impossible for the growth of a sound party system in the country.”

According to R.A Gopala Swami,” the party system which

has emerged in our country is not only incompatible with the particular

institutions we have adopted but constitutes a clear danger to the survival

of democracy in India.”

Q.No.4:-Bring out three differences each between socialist parties and

the communist party and between Bhartiya Jana Sang and Swatantra


Ans: - Socialist party:- The origins of the socialist party can be traced

back to the mass movement stage of the Indian national congress in the

pre-independence era. The congress socialist party was formed within the

congress in 1934 by a group of young leaders, who wanted a more radical

and egalitarian congress. The founding president of the congress socialist

party was Acharya Narendra Dev. (1889-1956).

Difference between socialist party, communist party & Bhartiya Jana

Sang :-

(1) The socialist believed in the ideology of democratic socialism whereas

communistic party worked mainly within the fold of the congress party.

(2) The socialist believed in peaceful constitutional methods, while

communist party believed in peaceful and violent methods.

(3) The socialists criticized the congress for favoring capitalists and

landlords and ignoring the working class and farmers. The communist party

believed in the welfare of workers and peasants.

(4) Bhartiya Jan Sang believed in the ideology of one country, one nation,

one culture and one national ideal. On the other hand, the Swatantra party

believed in equality of opportunity for all people without distinction of

religion, caste race etc.

(5) Jan Sang favors to follow the policy of non-alignment with the two

power blocs as also noninvolvement in international affairs not directly

affecting India. Swatantra party was critical of the policy of non-alignment

and advocated close ties with U.S.A.

Q.No.5:- What would you consider as the main differences between

Mexico and India under one party domination?

Ans: - In India, Indian national congress dominated Indian politics up to

1967. Besides India, there were certain other countries were one party

dominated. There are some countries like China, North Korea, etc. where

only one party is allowed under the constitution.

Founded in 1929, as National Revolutionary party and later renamed

as the Institutional Revolutionary Party, the PRI (in Spanish), exercised

power in Mexico for almost six decades. It represented the legacy of the

Mexican revolution. Originally PRI was a mixture of various interests

including political and military leaders, labour and peasant organizations

and numerous political parties. Congress dominance was on the support of

masses. But in Mexico there was no democratic system in a reality.



ANS: - The two problems of national integration are;

(1) Communalism; - This refers to strong feeling of belonging to a

community as distinct from & superior to other communities & nations.

Communalism is the bone of Indian politics as it leads to polarization of

different communities & subsequent tensions & conflict among these


(2)Regionalism;-Regionalism denotes a feeling of love for a particular

region in preference to the state of which the region is a part. Regionalism

is one of the main problems for national integration.






ANS: - A dominant party system: - A dominant party system is one,

where a number of parties exist, but only one party dominates operational

politics. The Indian party system was an example of one dominant party

system. Congress dominated the scene at the Centre as well as in state

before 1967. In the first general election (1952) the congress party

secured 364 out of 489 Lok Sabha seats. CPI won only 16 seats & was

second largest party. Congress also won in all states except Travancore

Cochin (Kerala). In 2nd general election (1957) congress secured 372 out

of 494 Lok Sabha seats. C.P.I. won 27 seats only. In the 3rd general

election (1962) congress party secured 361 out of 494 Lok Sabha seats. In

the Assembly elections of states, the congress party secured majority of

seats in more then 3/4th of the states. Before 4th general election (1967)

there was no effective opposition.



(1) Role played by congress party in national movement.

(2) The congress party was led by such great personalities as Mahatma

Gandhi, J.L. Nehru, Sardar Patel, Maulana Azad, and Lal Bahadur Shastri.

(3) Congress party was well organized party which represents a mixture of

all shadows of opinion.




ANS: - In modern democratic states opposition plays a very important role.

Until the split of congress in 1969 there was no effective, organized

opposition party in India. Opposition plays following role in India.

(1) Opposition party criticizes the policies & programs of the government.

(2) The opposition ventilated public grievances through various

parliamentary methods.

(3) The opposition also acts as the watchdog of the civil liberties of the


CONCLUSION: - To conclude we can say that opposition parties played a

crucial role in maintaining the democratic character of the system & kept

the democratic traditions alive.

Q.9:- Write any four features of Indian party system?

Ans: - Four features of Indian party system are as under:

(1) Multiple Party-System. (2) Existence of communal parties. (3) Existence

of groupings & factionalism. (4) Existence of regional parties.

Q.10:- Write a short note on C.P.I.?

Ans: - In the early 1920s communist groups emerged in different parts of

India taking inspiration from the Bolshevik revolution in Russia (1917) and

advocating socialism as the solution to problems affecting the country. A.K

Gopalan, S.A. Dange, E.M.S. Namboodiripad was among the notable

leaders of the CPI. Communist Party of India is a national political party,

founded in 1924. C.P.I. secured largest number of seats in first general

election of 1952 after congress. The party went through a major split in

1964 following the ideological rift between Sovi Union & China. The pro-

soviet faction remained as CPI (communist party of India) while the

opponents formed the CPI-M (communist party if India Marxist). Both

these parties continue to exist to this day & both are national political

parties of India.


ANS:- Regional parties are parties restricted to a particular' state or region

and rooted in both regional aspirations and grievances. The. support base

of the party is limited to a particular state because, it identifies itself with the

region's culture, language, religion etc. For example pdp in j&k and Agp in


QNO 12:-Explain the following

(1) Dominant party system

(2) Features of Indian party system

(3) Four regional parties in India

(4) coalition government in India

(5) National parties in India

(6) Political Party

(7) Electronic voting machine

Ans:- (1) Dominant Party System :- A dominant party system is one

where a number of parties exists , but only one party dominates in

operational politics . The Indian party system was an example of

dominant party system , in India several political parties participated in

elections but congress dominated the scene at the Centre as well as in

states before 1977.In Ist three general elections congress got over

whelming majority.

(2) Features of Indian party system:-the following are the main features

of Indian party system

(1) Multiple party systems

(2) Existence of communal Parties

(3) Factionalism & groupism.

(4) Existence of regional parties.

(3) Four regional parties in India; - Four regional parties of India are as


(1) National conference (NC) in J&K (2) Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in

J&K (3) Alkali-Dal in Punjab (4) All India Anna Dravida Munetra Kazagham

(AIADMK) in Tamil Nadu.

(4) Coalition Government;- A coalition government is formed when many

small political parties or groups in a house agree to join hands on a

common platform by sinking their broad differences & form a majority in the

house for example (UPA & NDA).

(5) National parties of India: - (1) Congress(INC). (2) BJP (Bhartiya

Janata party) (3) The communist party of India (CPI) (4) The Communist

party of India Marxist C.P.I.(M). (5) Bhujan Samaj party (BSP) (6)

Nationalist Congress party (NCP).

(6) political party :- A political party is an alliance of like-minded people

who work together to win elections and control of the government. Political

parties compete against one another for political power and for the ability to

put their philosophies and policies into effect.

(7) Electronic voting machine ("EVM") are being used in Indian General and

State Elections to implement electronic voting in part from 1999 elections

and in total since 2004 elections. The EVMs reduce the time in both casting

a vote and declaring the results compared to the old paper ballot system.

There were earlier claims regarding EVMs' tamparability and security which

have not been proved.After rulings of Delhi High Court, Supreme Courtand

demands from various political parties, Election Commission decided to

introduce EVMs with Voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) system. The

Voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) system was introduced in 8 of 543

parliamentary constituencies as a pilot project in Indian general election,



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