Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Chapter 6 Post Independence Era:- J&K On The Path of Modernisation.

1.Match the following:

a. Naya Kashmir Manifesto:- Economic Reforms in Kashmir
b. Mukraris:- Custodian grants
c. Jagirs:- Land grants in lieu of services
d. Big Landed Estates Abolition Act ;-Magna Carta of Peasant’s Rights

2.Fill in the blanks:
a. Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah was the most popular leader of Kashmir during the early Post-Independence period.
b. Bakshi Ghlam Muhammad was appointed as the second Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir.
c. Kwang Posh was the literary journal of Cultural Congress.
d. In 1955, G.M. Sadiq as the Education Minister under Bakshi Ghulam Muhammad drafted the Education Policy of the state.
e. Dina Nath Nadim was the most celebrated progressive Kashmiri poet who wrote ‘Bomber Te Yemberzal’.

3.State whether True or False:
a. The Naya Kashmir Manifesto had a heavy socialistic tune. (F )
b. In 1957, Lalla Rookh Publications was disbanded and incorporated back to the Information Department. (T)

c.The first Prime Minister of Kashmir was Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad. ( F )

d. The Jammu and Kashmir University was established in the year 1948. ( T )

e. Banihal Tunnel was constructed in the year 1960.(F)Right in Breif:

a. Briefly discuss the major economic reforms introduced by the post-1947 Governments in the State?

The major economic reforms introduced by the post-1947 governments in the state are
A) Land Reforms: Jagirs, Muafis, Mukararies and abatement in land revenue to Chakdars were abolished. “Grow more food scheme” was launched. Important land reform acts such as Tenancy Amendment Act of 1948 , The Distressed Debtors Relief Act of 1950 and The Big Landed Estates Abolition Act , 1950 were passed.
B) Development of irrigation projects : The development of irrigation was given priority during the first three five year plan. Concrete steps were taken to tap water resources for irrigational purposes. A separate department of irrigation was established for this purpose.
C) Era of cooperatives. Greater emphasis was put on the cooperative moment with the object of bringing the entire village life into its fold.
D) Construction of roads and buildings:- The govt. constructed a no. of government/public buildings and also established a vast network of roads including Banihal tunnel within the state.
E) Promotion of industrial sector:- In order to promote industrial sector the govt. established industrial estates at Gandhi Nagar (Jammu), Barzulla (Srinagar) and Anantnag at a total capital outlay of 5.26 million.
F) Boost to tourism and Indian film industry: The government lunched “Kashmir Chalo Campaign” and also took some important steps to give boost to tourism and film industry in the region.

b. What was the impact of land reforms on rural society?
The land reforms had quite positive impact on rural society. These reforms ended the privileges of the landlords, secured the position of the peasants and restored their confidence by making them the owners of the land they were cultivating. It led to their economic development. They begun to educate their children and avail facilities of better health and cultural advancement .This pawed way for their social advancement. However, land reforms did not do much in improving the conditions of landless laborers.

c. Highlight the Education Policy of the Government in Jammu and Kashmir during Bakshi’s period?
The education policy of the government in Jammu and Kashmir during Bakshi‟s period is as follows:
1) The salaries of the teachers were significantly increased.
2) Education was made free from primary to university level. Moreover, free textbooks & scholarships were provided to the poor student.
3) A network of educational institutions for primary, middle and the higher education were opened.
4) Job oriented education was also in cooperated in the curriculum.
5) Women education received special attention and there was an unprecedented increase in women schools and colleges.
6) Medical and engineering colleges were established in Srinagar .National institute of technology (NIT) and Government Medical College (GMC) were founded during his regime.

d. Write a short note on Jashn-i-Kashmir and Cultural Front?

Jashn-Kashmir is a festival which was first hosted by government of J&K in 1956.it was held throughout the region. It intended to bring to light many aspects of Kashmiri culture and served as a bridge of contact between Kashmir and rest of India. It show cased regional theater, music, poetry, dance of Kashmir as well as of various other states.
Cultural Front: It was an organization which contributed to the development of a syncretism cultural ethos. Writers affiliated with cultural front travelled throughout the region in villages and small towns holding drama and theater, programmes and activities on themes pertaining to social change, proletariat life , status of women and Hindu Muslim unity. Cultural front was renamed as cultural congress in 1949 and began to publish its literary journal Kwang Posh.

e. Discuss the role of state in the promotion of tourism.?
The government lunched “Kashmir Chalo Campaign” and also took some important steps to give boost to tourism which included:-
1) Opening up publicity wings all over the country.
2) Improvement in air services.
3) Abolition of permit system.
4) Construction of youth hostels.
5) Revitalizing hotel arrangements and establishment of a tourist reception centre.
As a result, tourism started to flourish in the state.

f. Write a short note on the development of roads and buildings during Bakshi’s regime?
The construction of roads and buildings received huge impetus after 1947 especially under the government of Bakshi Gulam Muhammad .Apart from constructing educational institutions, hospitals, buildings for government departments, hydro electric projects, housing colonies and stadiums, Bakshi Gulam Muhmmad also significantly contributed to the establishment of vast network of roads within the state. Construction of Banihal tunnel designed by German engineers was considered to be one of the greatest achievements of the time. In order to bridge up the rural urban divide, the city buses service was started which connected the remote towns and villages.


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