Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Chapter 6 The Integration of Princely States: A Case Study of Jammu and Kashmir


Match the following
Column AColumn B
Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir6th October, 1947
Instrument of AccessionMuzaffarabad
An area in Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK)26th January, 1957

Column AColumn B
Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir26th January, 1957
Instrument of Accession6th October, 1947
An area in Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK)Muzaffarabad

Fill in the blanks: 

1. _______________was the Viceroy of India at the time of  Indian Independence.

Answer:- Lord  Mountbatten

2. The meeting of the Defence Committee  was  held in Delhi  in the year____________________. 

Answer:- October  25,  1947

3.  A unique feat in  Ladakh  was  that of___________________________who resisted the tribal attack at Zojilla Pass. 

Answer:- Major General Themayya

4.  The  two  areas  that  fall  in  the  territory  of  Pakistan  Occupied  Jammu  & Kashmir are ______________and __________________. 

Answer:- Bhimber and Muzaffarabad

True or False: 

1. Karan Singh  was  the Maharaja of Jammu  and Kashmir at the time of the signing of Instrument of Accession. (   )

Answer:- False  (Maharaja Hari Singh)

2. V.P Menon advised the Defense Committee  to provide military support  to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. (  ) 

Answer:- True

3. Brigadier Rajinder Singh was killed in an operation launched against the tribal invaders at Uri. (  ) 

Answer:- True

4. Maharaja offered The Stand Still Agreement to both  India and Pakistan. (  ) 

Answer:- True

5. The  Constituent  Assembly  of  J&K  met  for  the  first  time  in  October  1951. (  )

Answer:- True


a).  Briefly  discuss  the  events  leading  to  the  signing  of  the Instrument of Accession? 

Answer:- On  October  22,  1947,  a  large  number  of  armed  tribals (Pashtun) entered Muzaffarabad  from  where  they resumed their  progress  along  the Jhelum  Valley road towards  Srinagar. The  state  forces collapsed and Maharaja  requested  the Government of India  for  military  help. Though a meeting of Defense Committee  on October  25,  1947  under  the  chairmanship  of  Lord  Mountbatten in  Delhi  considered  Maharaja’s  demand for  the  supply of  arms and  ammunition  but urged that  it  would not be possible  to send  in  any  troops  unless  Jammu  and  Kashmir  had  first  offered to accede. Therefore Maharaja signed the instrument of accession on 26th Oct,  1947.  

b). What do you know about the Stand Still Agreement?

Answer:- In order to decide the future course of action, regarding accession Maharaja required some more time and so he offered a Stand Still Agreement to both Pakistan and India  on August  12, 1947. It asserted the maintenance of  status  quo in all  matters as it was with the British Indian  Government. Pakistan accepted the offer on 15th of August,1947 whereas India sought some clarifications. 

 c). Write a brief note on

 i)  Karachi ceasefire agreement. 

ii)  Formation  of  Jammu  and  Kashmir  Constituent  Assembly 

Answer:- i) Karachi ceasefire agreement:-  January,  1948,  India  moved  the  issue regarding  the occupation of  Jammu  and  Kashmir territories  by Pakistan to the  U.N.  which led  to United Nations Security Council Resolution  47  of 21st April,  1948.  Subsequently,  an  agreement  of  ceasefire  called  ‘The Karachi  Ceasefire  Agreement’  was signed  between India  and Pakistan in 1949.

ii)  Formation  of  Jammu  and  Kashmir  Constituent  Assembly:- In  October  1950,  the  General  Council  of  the  National  Conference passed  a resolution recommending election to Constituent Assembly  for the purpose  of giving  the State a Constitution that  would  determine  the  future  of  the  J&K  State.  The elections  to the Constituent Assembly were  accordingly  held  and  the  Assembly  met  for  the  first  time  in October,  1951.The  constituencies  were  delimited  on  the  basis  of one  member  to  forty thousand  people.  Further,  the  Constitution  of J&K came into force on 26th  January 1957.


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