Saturday, February 10, 2024

Chapter 12 Challenges To And Restoration Of Congress System

 Q.No.1:- What were the factors which led to the popularity of Indira

Gandhis government in the early 1970S?

Ans: - Indira Gandhi (1917-1984):- Prime Minster of India from 1966-1977

and 1980 -1984, daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, participated in the freedom

struggle as a young congress worker, became congress president in 1958,

minister in Shastris cabinet from 1964-66, led the congress party to victory

in 1967, 1971 and 1980 general elections. The popularity of Indira Gandhi

also increased because of the slogan of Garibi hatao (Remove poverty),

victory in 1971 war and for policy initiatives like abolition of Privy Purse,

nationalization of banks, nuclear tests and environmental protection. All

these factors were responsible for the popularity of Indira Gandhis

government in 1970s. Indira Gandhi was assassinated on 31 October 1984


Q.No.2:- What does the term Syndicate means in the context of the

congress party of the sixties? What role did the syndicate play in the

congress party?

Ans: - In the Indian national congress there was a group of leaders which

was known as Syndicate this syndicate controlled the organization of the

congress party. This group was led by K Kamraj former Chief Minister of

Tamil Nadu and then the president of the congress party. Syndicate

included powerful leaders like N.Sanjeev Reddy of Andhra Pradesh. S.K

Patil of Bombay, Atulya Ghosh of west Bengal and

S.Nigalingapa of Mysore.

Role of the syndicate in the congress party: - After the death of Pt.

Jawaharlal Nehru Syndicate played a very important role in the congress

party. Mr. Lal Bahadur Shastri was elected leader of the congress due to

the support of the syndicate. After the sudden death of P.M. Lal Bahadur

Shastri, Mrs. Indira Gandhi was elected the leader of the congress

parliamentary party because she was whole heartedly supported by the

syndicate. The syndicate had played an important role in the formation of

Mrs. Gandhis first council of ministers. Leaders of the syndicate expected

Mrs. Indira Gandhi to follow their advice. But Mrs. Indira Gandhi gradually

started asserting her position within the government and the party.

Ultimately she sidelined the syndicate. Due to the differences between the

syndicate and Indira Gandhi, there was split in the congress party in 1969.

Leaders of the syndicate and those owing allegiance to them came to be

known as congress (O) those owning allegiance to Smt. Gandhi was known

as congress (R) in the 1971 elections almost all the leaders of the

syndicate i.e. congress (O) were defeated and Indiras congress (R) won a

two-third majority in the Lok Sabha.

Q.No.3:- Discus the major issues which led to the formal split of the

congress party in 1969?

Ans: - Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru has a hold on the congress party that kept the

party united with his Charismatic leadership and magnetic personality. But

his death left a vacuum in the party which was never filled. Significantly, the

most notorious and long lasting of central faction, the so-called Syndicate

came in to being during his last illness, an alliance of non-Hindi state

leaders, its original purpose was to prevent election of Morarji Desai to the

party presidency. All though it played a useful role in securing the

unopposed election of Lal Bahadur Shastri as Prime Minister, the virtually

unconcealed factionalism, it introduced in to the central counsel of minister

had brought havoc by the time of the 1967 elections. A rival faction, which

supported Morarji Desai for the Prime Minister ship as against Mrs. Gandhi

was less powerful and united. But hardly less damaging. Thus even before

the election of 1967, the stage was set for the subsequent party split. The

rout of the congress in 1967 general elections in which congress emerged

in a low morale catalyzed the process of open confession of factionalism.

The syndicate member began to ally themselves with Swatantra party, Jan

Sang and S.S.P. which later on emerged as grand alliance. The grand

alliance political manifested itself openly at the time of election of the

president in 1969. In the congress parliamentary board Mrs. Indira Gandhi

proposed the name of Jagjivan Ram for president ship, which was opposed

by the syndicate group. Instead Mr. Morarji Desai proposed the name of N.

Sanjeev Reddy who was selected. She disapproved of the choice and left

the meeting in anger saying You will have to bear the consequence of this.

In opposition to the official candidate of the congress, V.V.Giri independent

candidate was elected president of India due to Mrs. Indira Gandhis

support. This led to the split in the congress party.

QNO1:-Explain the following terms:

(1) Non-Congressism.

(2) Electoral upset of 1967.

(3) Congress victory in 1971 elections.

(4) Jai Jawan Jai Kisan.

(5) Garibi Hatao.

(6) Indira Hatao.

(7) Grand Alliance.

Ans(1) Non - Congressism :- Parties opposed to the congress realized

that the division of their votes kept the congress in power. Thus

parties with different ideological positions came together to oppose

congress & its policies. The socialist leader Ram Manohar Lohia gave this

strategy the name of “non-congressism

(2) Electoral upset of 1967:- The fourth general election was held in

1967 in which congress party was defeated in many states due to

the absence of a charismatic leader in the congress party. In almost

seven states congress lost majority. Phenomenon of coalition

government begins , After 4th general election 1967 large scale defection

took place.

(3) Congress victory in 1971 elections :- The fifth general election to

Lok Sabha was held in February 1971.Mrs. Indira Gandhi gave a very

popular slogan “Garibi hatao” she focused on the growth of the

public sector, imposition of ceiling on rural land holdings & urban

property, removal of disparities in income & opportunity , & abolition of

princely privileges (privy purse) By these positive programs she got the

support of backward classes, adivasis, unemployed youth, minorities,

women, scheduled castes & scheduled tribes. The result of the Lok

Sabha elections of 1971 , were dramatic as was the decision to hold

these elections. The congress (R)-CPI alliance won 375 seats in Lok

Sabha, Indira Gandhis congress (R) won 352 seats.

(4) Jai-Jawan Jai-Kisan :-The slogan of Jai-Jawan Jai-Kisan was given

by Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri in 1965.

(5) Garibi Hatao: - In the fifth general election 1971, Mrs. Indira Gandhi

gave a very popular slogan “Garibi Hatao through this slogan Indira

Gandhi tried to get support of masses & she succeeded also to a

great extent.

(6) Indira Hatao :- In the 1971 Lok Sabha elections the opposition

parties gave the slogan of “Indira Hatao” (Remove Indira) and formed an

alliance known as grand alliance with a purpose to defeat Mrs. Indira


(7) Grand alliance:- The fifth general election to Lok Sabha (lower

house) were held in February 1971. With a purpose to defeat Mrs. Indira

Gandhi, all the major non-communist, non congress opposition parties (

SSP.PSP Jan sang, Swatantra party & Bhartiya kranti Dal) formed an

electoral alliance known as grand alliance. The Grand alliance did not

have a coherent political programme & the Grand alliance was badly

defeated in the elections.


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